Let’s talk about a bit of history in cloud computing. The word “cloud compute” got coined in early 1996 by Compaq computer, but it took a while to make this platform easily accessible even though they claimed its a $2 billion market per year.  In August 2006 Amazon had introduced cloud infra which was easily accessible, and then it became a trend, and post this, in April 2008 Google, early 2010 Microsoft and then April 2011 IBM has placed his foot in this vertical. This showed a trend that all Giants are highly believed in this revolution and found potential in this technology.

And in the same era DevOps process got pitched in Toronto Conference in 2008 by Patrick Debois and Andrew Shafer. He proposed that there is a better approach can be adopted to resolve the conflicts we have with dev and operation time so far. This again took a boom when 2 Flickr employee delivered a  seminar that how they are able to place 10+ deployment in a day. They came up with a proven model which can resolve the conflicts of Dev and operation having component build, test and deploy this should be an integrated development and operations process.

What is DevOps

DevOps is a practice culture having a union of people, process, and tools which enables faster delivery. This culture helps to automate the process and narrow down the gaps between development and IT. DevOps is a kind of abstract impression that focuses on key principles like Speed, Rapid Delivery, Scalability, Security, Collaboration & Monitoring etc.

Why is Devop used?

To reduce day to day manual work done by IT team To avoid manual error while designing infra Enables a smooth platform for technology or cloud migration Gives an amazing version control capabilities A better way to handle resources whether it’s cloud infra or manpower Gives an opportunity to pitch customer a realistic feature rollout commitment To adopt better infra scaling process even though you receive 4X traffic Enables opportunity to build a stable infrastructure

Goal Of DevOps

  • Control of quality and increase the frequency of deployments
  • Allows to enable a risk-free experiment
  • Enables to improve mean time to recovery and backup
  • Helps to handle release failure without losing live data
  • Helps to avoid unplanned work and technical failure
  • To achieve compliance process and control on the audit trail
  • Alert and monitoring in an early stage on system failure
  • Helps to maintain SLA in a uniform fashion
  • Enabling control for the business team

How Does DevOps work

So DevOp model usually keeps Development and operation team tightly coupled or sometimes they get merged and they roll out the entire release cycle. Sometime we may see that development, operation and security & Network team is also involved and slowly this got coined as DevSecOps. So the integration of this team makes sure that they are able to crack development, testing, deployment, provisioning infra, monitoring, network firewalling, infrastructure accessibility and accountability. This helps them to build a clean application development lifecycle to deliver a quality product.